When talking about my childhood, there is only one word to describe it- naughty. Most of my teachers didn't like me, because I bothered and talked with other classmates all the time. Therefore they always complained with my parents.
There is an instance I have a very strong memory of that. It was in the end of a chinese class, the teacher let us to learn by ourselves. However, most of classmates were talking and even made jokes with each other. Therefore, I thought there was a good opportunity for me to show off my whistle skills. I whistled and attracted a lot of my classmates just as I expected.I really enjoyed being under the spotlight. Unfortunately, I was caught by my teacher, she got very angry and yelled out"stop it"! because she felt disrespected. All the classmates and I were shocked because my teacher had never yelled like that before. The whole classroom got very quiet immediately. After the class, the teacher asked to talk to my parents about my inappropriate beaviour! I was terrified, because I was afraid of getting punished by my parents. But still I have told them. Nevertheless, it was so surprised to me that nothing happened. After the “talk”,everything was just as usual. She just told me that " you are a clever and cute girl, you can share the whistle skills with your classmates, but you would better do that after the class."
After a few years, I found out that the truth is not as the same as what my mother told me, actually, my teacher said a lot of negative things about me. But my mom didn’t even mention one thing. It reallyy helped and encouraged me a lot.
