
My fiends in Yale University

A Hongkong girl Waiyan, two Taiwanese girls Sabrina and Grace, a Beijing girl Melissa and me.

Hongkong girl Waiyan
Taiwan girl Sabrina
Taiwan girl Grace
Beijing girl Melissa
I believe that some things are fate, we met each other on the interview meeting day.

We have lots of chances to get along with each other, because we take the same class. We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together.We like doing exercises at the gym. We like talking with each other in the common room, playing games in the game room after finishing our assignments.
in the dining hall
After playing basketball

playing in the game room
We like lying on the chairs after dinner.At that time, we enjoy the sunset,the breeze, and the time that is spent with  friends.

The sunset in morse college
We always do what we want, enjoy every minute with each other.

We have been to special places together.Every time, we have a very unforgetable experience, even though there was no precise planning about our trip. We all think we are lucky dogs, because there are always a lot of surprises waiting for us there. 

We were going to the beach

My best friends, all of whom are like naive children.

After watching the Lion king.
 It was a nice show,and we really enjoyed that. 

We were walking on the 5th street.

Nice ice cream, bought at the food track

We were in front of the library.
We like making jokes with each other.We are tolerant with some small mistakes among us, and we will point out the mistakes and help each other to correct the errors.

Friendship plays an irreplacable role in our life.

Friends gives their sincere love to you, give their sincere help if you need,and give their sincere recommendations if you need. 

Just like spy2

The blue sky without a cloud, looks  very clear.  Pretty big lawns shinning under the sky, green and lush grasses, there are several trees, each of them is approximately 13 or 14 metres, like an iron man stands straightly there. There are three footpaths layed out among the sod, which are paved by square stones trimly, also there are streetlight arranged on this path. There are many benches spread along the lawn, have the same distance between two benches. Sometimes, some people like sitting on these, reading a book which they really like it, drinking a cup of coffee, enjoying the sunshine, enjoying the tranquil environment, enjoying the beautiful sentences. Maybe in the morining, maybe in the afternoon, you can choose the time you want to go and sit there, enjoy the harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. Of course, you do not need to do anything, you just sit here, without thinking, forgetting pressures and troubles, calm yourself down.

Every day, people go through here, withou paying any attention. They just do what they want, without realizing the extraordinary and historical architecture. They feel everything in here are very attractive and coordinated, but they do not care about what  made up the amazing landscape. In my opinion, I think all the things are dependent upon the details.


Crazy guys in Long Island

"Let's go!"

Three guys and three girls started The Long Island Crazy Trip.
Six crazy guys
Unfortunately, bad weather over there had already waited for us. Dark sky, without any azure sky, but with a little rain.
Bad weather, but, happy time!
Our hotel was near the beach,. From inside of our rooms, through the window, there was a very amazing long beach view presented to us.
My friends

After checking in, we couldn't help, but, go back to the ocean, in spite of the little rain. Luckily, there was a Film Conference,and the music was full of the whole beach.A salty air, a little sticky, with a lot of sweetness and happiness filling in our heart.
Film Conference
Because the beach opened for free after 6:00pm, we just sat on the board and played the poker. We played, made jokes with each other, and then time passed, and we could get into the beach.

"Wow! Long Island, we are coming!"

We were running, paddling, playing water war, chasing birds, drawing on the sands, and being washed by the seawater. We just enjoyed that time, without thinking,we forgot everything, forget pressures, forget who we are.
Monkey king
The last weekend in Yale University, the last weekend with my friends, the last weekend enjoying my last summer vacation. I will never forget this summer, this beautiful and crazy memory.
Ours memory!


Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium

Last Tuesday, I went to the Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium in Yale University with my friends.

We made this decision quickly, so we didn’t know where we could catch the shuttle bus.Therefore we spent a lot of time to figure it out. Luckily, there was a shuttle bus passing by, we caught the bus at the gym bus stop and arrived at our destination, the Leitner Family Observatory and Planetarium in time.

There was a long line in front of the lecture hall, we got in there one by one. We lay down on the floor with strong excitment, because there were not enough seats for us.

Suddenly, the light was turned down. A big screen, filled with stars appeared over our head. This digital planetarium theatre was a Spitz SciDomeHD system to simulate the Universe at any time from any place . Therefore, there was no doubt, we were shocked by the high quality show. During the whole process, there was an interpreter to teach us about the astronomy knowledge.

We enjoyed that, as most of us hadn’t seen such beautiful images before. 
Nature, always full of miracle. It should be found.
Nature, always full of diversity. It should be found.
Nature, always full of facination. It waits us to found.

We walked back to our dormitory, slowly,leisurely,and joked,chatted freely with each other. There was also a beautiful starry sky that night.


Adventure of Central Park

"There is only one hour and extra fifteen minutes for you guys, are you guys sure? You know, generally speaking traveling around the whole of Central Park by bicycle, should take three hours at least."

"Yes! We are pretty sure!"

I chosed a lady's bicycle which seemed small in size. However, when the nice staff helped me to get on the bicycle, I got in trouble with its height. The bicycle was too high to me, but I did not complain due to time limited.
Our bicycles
While we were cycling, I looked around the park. The park is huge, covered by green brushes, trees and wide lawn. The cozy sunshine from the azure sky shone on us by its gentle kiss. People were so enjoying that. They do whatever they like, such as, reading books, lying on the soft green lawn, playing Frisbee, picnicking, etc. Children were chasing, laughing and eating ice-cream. Every single person here was so involved in the nature and green on Saturday morning. A breeze past, flew my hair into the sky. 'Woohoo! Awesome!' my friends, Wai Yan, cannot help to shout out loud. While we arrived the lake, we found it was the time to ride back to the shop for returning bicycles.

People in the Central Park
"There is one way, we can't get back based on the same way. There is only one choice to get back to the store in time, that is to take the bicycle on the street which runs beside the Central Park." Taka said sadly.

"Ok, let's try to do that!" Waiyan said.

Unfortunately, there is no bicycle path on that street. So we had to take the bicycle on the sidewalk which is on the right of the street, because there were a great number of cars. However, the sidewalk is not very flat, so we couldn't control our bicycle well, and so we decide change to the other side to get on the left sidewalk of the street. There were many buildings were repairing, so the sidewalk was very narrow. Besides that, there were lots of people walking down the sidewalk since it was weekends.

"Excuse me, sorry! sorry!" we said all the time

"You guys shouldn't be here, you should get bace to the street!" There was an old lady shouted very angrily.

My hands were filled with sweat as I was so scared to get a fine from the police. I took the bicycle intermittently, because there were so many people on the sidewalk.
Fortunately, we got to the original point in time in the end.

Although, there were lots of fears in my mind when we took the bicycle on the sidewalk. After returning the bicycles, we took a deep breath, and then we suddenly
laughed with each other. Thinking we had never been so crazy as at that moment.

I believe that life is full of mysterious and unknow; life should be different, not all the same. life should fill with joys and sorrows. I think this an unforgetable experience in the Central Park in New York, will carve in my mind deeply.


The relationship between my parents and me

My parents
I still clearly remember, 4 years ago when I was 16 years old, I fell in love with my classmate. He was so fascinating to me, a passionate basketball fan, because he was so talented at playing basketball. Due to the traditional Chinese concept, the relationships between young couples are too immature to be considered as ‘true   love’, they are  called ’puppy love.’ Instead, the majority of parents always think their children should fall in love after graduating from university. However, I believed my parents were open-minded enough to support our relationship during high school. Therefore, I decided to tell my parents after I had dated that guy for one month. Without surprise, my mother reacted calmly, and she said, ‘I will not prohibit you from dating a guy, but I do care about your study. Just be cautious that you have prepared the Entrance College Examination which is approaching soon. It is a serious period in your life .’ 
 ‘I won’t let it happen. I won’t lay back.” I replied firmly. 
Afterward, daddy joked around while he said, ‘Congratulations to our princess who finds her true love finally. I was worried if you are feminine enough to attract boys.’ Nevertheless, I was upset after telling my parents about my relationship. I could barely tell my parents about the fact that I had wasted so many weekends watching him play basketball. Moreover, we hung out so often that I lost my attention to study for the coming exam. I spent a lot of time with him. A call from my head teacher ended my innocent love relationship, when he reported to my moter that my grades had decreased a lot.
At night, we held a family meeting. My mother was very angry and worried, as she shouted, ‘You have promised us that you would not let relationship affect your study, right? But, guess what? You broke your promise. I cannot believe you anymore.’  My father interrupted with a calm voice, as he closed his eyes and sighed. Then, he said, ‘You should think about what you really want to do? What is your dream? You should not ever let a relationship interupt your future and career. You have to know, the Entrance College Examination is very important to you. I will respect any decision you make, but you should think before you do anything. Your mother and I will give you a chance to make your own decision. You should  be the person who makes the decision for your own life.’ I kept silent and walked bact to my own room. I  could not fell asleep during the whole night. My parents’ words kept echoing in my mind. In the end, I decided to break up with the guy on the next day.
My family

A trip without any plans

From Union Station of New Haven to Grand Central Station. On last Friday afternoon, four girls got to the largest railway station(The Grand Central Station) in the world with high expectation. I even couldn’t get used to New York as I have been studied and lived in quiet and tanquil Yale campus for two weeks.

The Fifth Avenue was the first destination. A pretty big mall saks have already waited for us over there. There are a variety of  brands, are appropriate for diverse ages people, diverse customs. There are lots of malls, lay out in the same line. It made me feel a little dizzying when standed among those malls.

We lived in The Columbia University, it is one of the Ivy universities, the architectures are very different with Yale University. It’s more modern, small and compacted. In my opinion, I prefer to study in Yale University, because the environment is more beatiful, tranquil and comfortable.

We have been to several special places(Central Park, American Museum of Natural History, Broadway,Time Square and the 34th St). Since we have not make a plan, so we just did what we wanted, went where we wanted. Though we have been to wrong ways, there were always some surprise waited for us. We really enjoyed that.

The most impressed to me, was people’s lifestyle. People who live the City, have a fast-paced, strong pressure. But, most of  them don’t want to depart from The City, as there are full of pleasantly surprise and present every day.  You can do what you want, do not need to care others, even though  that seem like very selfish. Acutually people do not care. Maybe they have not enough time to stop and pay attention to that, or they just don’t care about other people.